UMass Boston

Communications for Students

Study-body Emails

Student Affairs does not send out blast emails about specific events and programs to the student body. Please post student-related events to UMBeInvolved. Events in UMBeInvolved are sent out during the fall and spring semesters to all students via a weekly email digest called "UMBeInvolved Digest: What’s Up on Campus." Official announcements sponsored by a senior staff member, applications for programs, service announcements, emergency related issues/information, and information about general campus-wide resources may be sent out to students by Student Affairs. One-time, campus-wide special events, may be exempt from the aforementioned rationale. 

Emergency Notification

In the event that a situation arises, either on or off campus, that the UMass Boston chief of police (or his designee) deems to be an ongoing or continuing threat to the campus community, a campus-wide timely warning will be issued after consultation with the vice chancellor for student affairs and the vice chancellor of administration and finance. The warning will be issued to all students, faculty, and staff via the UMass Boston email system. If there is confirmed, imminent danger, the UMass Boston Emergency Notification System (ENS) will be used to provide notice by voice and text messaging to office and cell phones. To sign up for the UMass Boston Alert system, visit Preparedness

Recruitment of Subjects for Research Projects

Please note, as of spring 2018, recruitment of participant emails are managed by Graduate Studies not the Division of Student Affairs.